Webgem 3 Grande Glove Care System

Sale price$99.99

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RECOMMENDED POSITION: 1st BASEMAN - Right-Handed Our first base glove forms are the perfect universal form for first base gloves up to 14". The 3 Grande is for right-handed players and the Lefty (you guessed it) is for left-handed first basemen. Our forms will help form the perfect pocket in your first base glove to scoop balls out of the dirt and help you secure every throw within your reach. It creates a deep and consistent pocket, rolls in the fingers to keep balls from squirting out and creates the perfect line for the thumb to trap balls and minimize deflections off the glove.


  • The only patented glove care product specifically designed for left hand throwing first base gloves--maintains a firm backing and wide pocket for great feel and perfect Control. Fits all first base mitts up to 14".
  • Protects and keeps shape of your entire glove when it's not being used which provides consistency and allows you to develop a feel for your glove. Use to shape and protect new or broken in gloves.
  • Neobreathe ™ compression case fabric draws sweat from the glove. It also significantly decreases break in time by applying a constant light stretch to the leather.
  • Significantly decreases break in time of new gloves.
  • Removable handle wrap for name/number Embroidery. Glove not included. Pocket colors may vary.
  • Weight_2lbs.
  • Diminsions_10x10x8

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