Dove Tail Bats - 356 - Pro Yellow Birch Bat

Wood Bat Length: 31 Inches
Sale price$129.99 Regular price$149.99

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This bat has a traditional knob with a very large barrel. It is end loaded with a very balanced sweet spot.

This 356 Yellow Birch Professional Model is swung by professional player Javier Baez.

This very large barreled bat features a traditional 2" knob, a 2 17/32" barrel, and a 15/16" handle. Bats have cupped ends when necessary to create optimum balance & weight differential.

This bat comes with our limited 60 day warranty-THE LONGEST WARRANTY IN THE WOOD BAT INDUSTRY!

Black Barrel / Black Handle / Brushed Silver Reversed Logo

  • Weight_2lbs
  • Dimensions_34×3×3in
Hand Selection

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