CamWood Adult 2-Hand Trainer

Training Bat Size: 31" / 43 oz.
Sale price$109.99

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Perfectly balanced to strengthen the forearms and create a better hand path to the ball; thus improving bat speed and power.

The CamWood Adult Hands-n-Speed Trainer is the only training baseball bat of its kind with a 12+ knob loaded design. The weight is located at the hands which allows you to swing this 43-46 ounce bat without causing poor mechanics such as casting.

This bat can be used in all training facets including live pitching. The bat is perfectly balanced to strengthen the forearms and create a better hand path to the ball; thus improving bat speed and power.

Available Sizes:

31" - 43 oz.

32" - 44 oz.

33" - 45 oz.

34" - 46 oz.

Barrel Size 2 1/2"

  • Weight_2lbs
  • Dimensions_0×0×0in
Hand Selection

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