All-Star Paige Halstead 33" Catcher's Mitt: CMW-PHX-33

Throwing Hand: Right-Handed Throw
Sale price$299.99

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The All-Star Paige Halstead 33-inch fastpitch catcher's mitt is constructed for the serious fastpitch catchers that are trying to become their best. This All Star Fastpitch catcher's mitt is made out of premium grade leather which gives you a great combination of comfort and durability. This combination allows the glove an easy break in but also gives the model a long lifespan. The All-Star Paige Halstead 33-inch fastpitch catcher's mitt is not game ready when you take it out of the box. However, with some effort, you can get this softball catcher's glove game ready rather quickly. The glove has a rigid rugged feel out of the box. This is the reason why the glove will last you for many seasons. With the All-Star Paige Halstead 33-inch fastpitch catcher's mitt, you get pro guard padding that protects your hand from the hard throwers and foul balls. This padding will last as long as your glove. That is crucial because, without the padding the glove would not protect you from repeated blows from hard throwing pitchers. Having an H web design provides this fastpitch catcher's mitt with a deep pocket for scooping balls out of the dirt. This pocket will also come in handy when making tags at the plate. All Star continues to be top of line when it comes to catcher's gloves and the All-Star Paige Halstead 33-inch fastpitch catcher's mitt is no exception.
  • Fastpitch Travel Ball Fit - Ideal for 12U-16U hands
  • Slight 15-20% Break-In applied - "Ready to Make Waves" faster for younger elite athletes!
  • Adjustable Pocket System (APS) for the first-ever pocket customization
  • Low-profile wrist closure + GloveLocks™ provide a secure fit all game long
  • Cut weight design features less excess material while the finger hood and premium thumb cot offer the most comfort of any mitt we've ever built
  • Premium Grade Leather laced with Pro Stock Rawhide and a Pittards™ leather lining put this mitt in a class of its own
  • Pro Guard Padding (PGP) enables the comfort and confidence to handle all the extra velocity and movement at the highest levels of the game
  • Weight_2lbs
  • Dimensions_13x10x10

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